FRANCE & BELGIUM +32 (0)475 98 21 15


The Dutch language version is online

GDPRfolder now offers its third version in Dutch.

GDPRfolder has a version dedicated to insurance brokers, members of Feprabel, and a version for all French-speaking SMEs, VSEs, associations and self-employed people.

As the Dutch market did not yet have an application that allowed Dutch-speaking SMEs, VSEs, self-employed people and associations to easily demonstrate their compliance, we decided to offer a Dutch version.

All the texts have not only been translated, but also proofread and adapted by Dutch-speaking practitioners, experts in RGPD, so that all the questions, legal texts and explanations are perfectly accessible to our Dutch-speaking clients.


Want to know more?

Are you looking for a turnkey solution for your RGPD management?

Contact us to learn more about our solution and its applications.

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