FRANCE & BELGIUM +32 (0)475 98 21 15



RGPD 2022: A practical reference book

Professor Jacques Folon, founder of GDPRfolder has recently published one of the few practical books dedicated to the implementation of the RGPD.
Presented in the form of practical questions, this first book is a...

on 04/28/22

Release of the version dedicated to France

GDPR Folder available for French people
After having successfully launched GDPRfolder in Belgium, in four languages, GDPRfolder is now available for French SMEs, VSEs, associations, etc.

on 10/01/22

Immediate access to your invoice

In order to facilitate the use of GDPRfolder by our customers, we have set up in the tool, an immediate access to your invoice.
As soon as you have paid your subscription to GDPRfolder, you have ...

on 15/06/21

The role of a subcontractor in relation to the RGPD

Are you a data processor?
Your activity may place you in the category of a data processor under the GDPR, i.e. a person or a company that has been...

on 15/01/21

The Dutch language version is online

GDPRfolder now offers its third version in Dutch.
GDPRfolder Feprabel has a version dedicated to insurance brokers, members of Feprabel, and a version for all PMs...

on 06/30/19
5 items

Latest articles

Is deceased persons' data subject to the RGPD?

on 12/08/23

Personal data: there's more than you think!


Data transfers now authorized to the United States: really?

le 29/07/23


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