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DPO, a strategic job

The appointment of the DPO is important and should not be underestimated! However, in reality, we unfortunately see too often that it is assigned without real reflection.

An interview with Jacques Folon in Solution magazine Interview Jacques Folon reminds us of the importance of the role of the DPO and his choice by organizations.

The DPO is a function created by the European Data Protection Regulation, the famous GDPR. It is required, in particular, for companies managing large amounts of personal data, for those managing sensitive data and for all public sector organizations. The GDPR specifies that this person can be an employee of the company as well as an external person.

The DPO must have many qualities, which makes his choice complex. Indeed, he must:

  • have legal knowledge and expertise in data protection
  • have a good knowledge of information security
  • be independent (the DPO alone decides on his mission)
  • be involved from the outset in all decisions related to personal data
  • have a monitoring and advisory role - and therefore does not carry out the compliance itself

The choice of the DPO must, or should, be motivated on the basis of the above.

Remember that many DPOs use to help them with their organization's compliance. Don't hesitate to join them.

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